Water conservation is one of the easiest ways to lower monthly utility expenditures. As with energy conservation, conserving water begins with small habitual changes in your daily routine. You have probably heard about turning off the water while brushing your teeth or scrubbing dishes. Changing the ways in which you use water can be the kickstart you need to develop good habits. Even better, take your commitment to the next level by upgrading your plumbing and appliances to be more water-efficient. If your property is in need of plumbing repair, you can also count on Sunshine Plumbing and Gas to inspect and remediate any plumbing-related problems. In the meantime, check out these 10 easy tips for water conservation, courtesy of our plumbing experts in Ocala, FL.

Turning The Faucet Off To Conserve Water

1. Install A Rainwater Collection System

To take even better care of your lawn, install rain collection systems for an environmentally friendly watering alternative. These systems now come in a variety of options depending on the intended use. Contact your plumber in Ocala for recommendations and help installing rainwater collection equipment.

2. Don’t Leave The Faucet Running

Listen to your environmentally-conscious friends and turn off the water while brushing your teeth and washing up dishes. This may seem tedious and insignificant but it is actually a good perseverance exercise. Even better, try not to turn the faucet all the way up when using it. Doing so is unnecessary most of the time, especially with older, non-efficient fixtures.

3. Use Your Dishwasher Only When Full

If you are not used to washing dishes by hand (preferably with one sink basin filled with water and the other filled with dirty dishes), you should try using your dishwasher only when full. This will reduce both water and electricity usage as well as save you some dishwasher detergent. If you notice that your appliance is underperforming, it is also a good idea to schedule dishwasher repair services.

4. Take Baths & Navy Showers

Navy showers are short showers. They get their name from Navy recruits who had to use water more sparingly when at sea. Learn from these brave souls and try to reduce your shower time and avoid leaving the water running while lathering up with soap. If, like most individuals, you find it hard to forego the comfort of a long hot shower, opt for an equally relaxing hot bath — baths utilize less water than the average shower.

5. Keep Trash Out Of Your Toilet

Are you a fan of the latest craze that is flushable wipes? Well, the truth is that they are not actually flushable. In fact, using your toilet as a garbage disposal, in general, can have serious consequences on the environment, on your city’s sewer system, and on your own plumbing. Not to mention, with every little piece of trash you flush down, you also waste 5-7 gallons of water. Clogged toilet repairs are more often than not the result of accumulated trash in the plumbing — most commonly flushable wipes, hair, and even medications. Save everyone the awkward moment of being stuck in the bathroom with a broken toilet and appropriately discard trash in a wastebasket.

6. Use Your Washer For Full Loads Only

Similar to your dishwasher, your laundry machines should only be used when full — this can both increase your rate of efficiency with doing laundry and reduce your overall usage of water and electricity. If you are worried about your washer not working as well when full, then consider upgrading the appliance to a more water-efficient model.

7. Install Water-Efficient Appliances

As the name implies, water-efficient appliances will help you conserve water by restricting water flow, incorporating air, and improving dispersal to achieve greater efficiency. If you are unsure about where to begin your search for low-waste, high-efficiency appliances, contact an Ocala plumber for recommendations based on the needs of your property.

8. Hire Only Trusted Plumbing Experts

Plumbing repair company in Ocala, FL, Sunshine Plumbing and Gas believes in helping their customers repair and install plumbing and heating equipment while encouraging clients to save money on utility bills and become more environmentally-friendly. We specialize in both residential and commercial plumbing in Ocala and can offer our customers highly competitive prices. Call us today to request plumbing services in Ocala, FL.

9. Check For Leaks

Faucets, toilets, showerheads, and plumbing are all susceptible to leaks. Don’t get accustomed to the sound of a dripping faucet. Instead, schedule faucet repairs and see the difference in savings on your next water bill. A drop of water may not look like much but, with one drop of water wasted per second, you could be wasting around 5 gallons of water per day or approximately 10 percent of the daily water used by the average American household.

10. Water Your Lawn Only When Necessary

The best time to water your lawn is early in the morning at dawn in order to prevent the growth of harmful fungi. You should also deep-soak your lawn as opposed to sprinkling it several times throughout the night. This will allow for water to get to the roots instead of simply evaporating from the grass blades.

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